Psychological Assessment Australia (PAA) are proud suppliers of the PAI in Australia. They have teamed up with Dr Phil Watts to run a full-day workshop on the PAI including the recent PAI-Plus extensions.
For the last 25 years the PAI has been establishing itself as a psychological instrument of practical utility in assessing clinical pathology. This workshop is designed to help psychologists get the most from an assessment which involves the PAI whether it is used in a clinical practice, forensic assessment, or for selection.
The focus of the workshop is on practical skills training. The format of the day involves an initial review of the nature and structure of the PAI clinical scales in the morning. The practical skills training involves analysing a real protocol to establish confidence in using this tool both in formal assessments and clinical cases. The afternoon section focuses on response style indicators and detecting positive and negative (malingering) response patterns.
This workshop uses group discussion throughout the day. A range of cases are considered including family court, workers compensation, criminal related matters, and clinical assessment. The cases are real clients. Application in personnel selection is touched on.
The morning introductory component assumes no pre-existing knowledge about the PAI. The advanced part of the workshop runs in the afternoon. This includes the new PAI-plus scales and Alternate Model for Personality Disorder scales. We also cover advanced aspects of the PAI, response style indicators, effortful and non-effortful distortions, and other advanced tools. Plus it includes a brief discussion on Corrective Services Norms and Selection Applications.
Dr Phil Watts has been a clinical and forensic psychologist for over 30 years. He has published 6 books including Surviving the Witness Box, How to Find Love and Not a Psycho, and Shared Care or Divided Lives. He is a dynamic presenter with a focus on practical experience. He his engaging content and insightful practical experience he can keep a whole day workshop refreshing and interesting!