Criminal Injuries Compensation Assessments and Reports Perth

At Mindstate Psychology, we understand the profound impact that being the victim of a criminal act can have on your mental health. If you have suffered emotional or psychological harm as a result of a crime, you may be eligible to claim compensation through the WA Government's criminal injury compensation scheme.

What is a Criminal Injury Compensation Report?

A Criminal Injury Compensation Report is an independent psychological evaluation that assesses the emotional and psychological harm experienced by a victim of crime. This report plays a crucial role in supporting applications for compensation through the Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme, as administered by the Department of Justice in Western Australia.

What Does Criminal Injury Compensation Cover & Who Can Apply

If you have been the victim of a crime and have experienced significant psychological distress, trauma, or mental health issues as a result, you may be eligible to apply for compensation. This includes victims of physical assault, domestic violence, sexual assault, and other crimes that have led to psychological harm.

Compensation can cover various aspects, including:

  1. Personal items
  2. Medical expenses you have incurred due to treatment for sustained injuries from the criminal incident. This can include psychological expenses, such as counselling, trauma therapy, or EMDR. This can also include future treatment expenses.
  3. Report expenses, such as a criminal injury compensation assessment report.
  4. Financial losses, such as loss of earnings or loss of income.
  5. Other relevant costs, including travel expenses, medical treatment, and other incidental expenses relating to your injury.

Compensation can also be provided to close relatives of individuals killed in Western Australia due to a criminal injury to assist with funeral expenses.

A psychological report can assist in substantiating claims and providing an expert assessment of the psychological damage endured.

How We Can Help

Mindstate Psychology provides comprehensive psychological assessments for individuals seeking criminal injury compensation. Our highly qualified psychologists are experienced in working with trauma victims, offering a compassionate and thorough approach to ensure an accurate reflection of the psychological impact you have experienced. The report will cover:

  • A detailed history of the traumatic event(s)
  • A clinical assessment of your current psychological state
  • Diagnosis of any mental health conditions arising from the incident(s)
  • Evaluation of the long-term psychological effects
  • Recommendations for ongoing psychological support or treatment

Why Choose Mindstate Psychology?

At Mindstate Psychology, we are committed to providing empathetic, professional services tailored to the unique needs of each client. With extensive experience in both forensic psychology and trauma-informed care, we ensure that our reports meet the legal and evidentiary requirements needed for successful compensation claims.

What to Expect during the Criminal Injury Compensation Assessment Process

  1. Initial Consultation: During your first session, we will gather detailed information about the crime, its impact on your psychological health, and any prior mental health conditions.
  2. Assessment Sessions: Depending on your situation, one or more assessment sessions may be needed to fully understand the extent of the psychological harm.
  3. Report Preparation: Following the assessment, we will prepare a thorough, objective report that reflects the impact of the trauma on your mental health.
  4. Submission: The report can be submitted as part of your claim to the Criminal Injuries Compensation Tribunal or legal representative for review.

Frequently Asked Questions about Criminal Injury Compensation

Do I need to be referred by a lawyer?

No, Mindstate Psychology accepts both self-referrals and referrals from criminal injury compensation lawyers. If you are self-represented, our supportive reception team will be able to help you through the report process.

Please note that if a lawyer is involved in your matter, we prefer to take instructions directly from them to simplify the process.

Do I need a lawyer in my Criminal Compensation case?

While a lawyer is not required to submit an application, they have a much better understanding of the law and application process and can apply it to your unique situation. Mindstate Psychology is not a legal service and cannot provide legal advice.

We always recommend consulting with a lawyer or community legal service. Criminal injury compensation lawyers are available.

How much do criminal injury compensation reports cost?

Costs for a criminal injury compensation report vary depending on the complexity of the offence and resulting injury. We can provide a quote to prepare a psychological report to support your application.

Please ensure you provide us with the following:

  • A copy of your victim impact statement
  • Any statement of material facts or court sentencing judgment relating to the incident
  • Any other reports (e.g., medical reports) which relate to the claim

Is financial support available to help cover the cost of the criminal compensation report?

Yes, if you are applying through the Office of Criminal Injuries, they may approve an interim payment to cover the costs of the report.

Please note that at Mindstate Psychology, the costs for the report are generally in excess of the interim payment, so you may need to pay a gap up front. If your application is approved by the Criminal Injury Commission, you can reclaim the additional assessment costs from your final settlement.

How much compensation can I receive?

The amount of compensation payable depends on the extent of your injuries and losses you have suffered. The maximum compensation that may be awarded also depends on the date of the offence.

The maximum possible amount that you can be awarded is $75,000 for a single offence and $150,000 if one offender committed multiple offences against you.

Get a Criminal Injury Compensation Report

If you or someone you know has been a victim of a crime and is seeking compensation for psychological injuries, contact Mindstate Psychology today to arrange an assessment. We are here to provide support and ensure that your experience is represented accurately and compassionately.