Anju Nakanishi, Clinical Psychologist Registrar.

Meet Anju Nakanishi

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Anju Nakanishi

Anju Nakanishi is a Clinical Psychologist Registrar who is experienced in working with clients across the lifespan, with a focus on children and young people. She endeavors to provide individuals with a safe space to create meaningful changes and build on their strengths. Anju utilizes a variety of evidence-based therapeutic assessment and intervention modalities to support clients to reach their goals.


Her areas of special interest are:

Book an appointment with Anju Nakanishi.

We all experience periods of stress, anxiety, grief, conflict, and other forms of emotional distress during our lives. Most of the time, we're able to bounce back. Sometimes, we might need a little extra help to do so. Anju, with an interest in trauma, neurodiversity including Autism and ADHD, anxiety, depression and stress and family domestic violence, is ready to help you get back to your best self.